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Archival Journal Papers

Click on the publication title to be redirected to the publisher's version of each journal paper (contents may not be available for free). Some of the articles are available through the eScholarship repository (free version) - post-print versions. I recommend using the publisher's journal version when feasible.

39. Ojomo O., Rathje E.M., Wang P., Lavrendiatis G., Zimmaro P., Asimaki D., Stewart J.P. (2024). Regional earthquake-induced landslide assessments for use in seismic risk analyses of distributed infrastructure systems. Engineering Geology, 340, 107664.

38. Criniti S., Durante M.G., Macario A., Cesarano M., Matano F., Di Nocera S., Civitelli M., Falsetta E., Borrelli M., Zimmaro P., Critelli S. (2024). A geological, petrophysical and ground motion model of the Pavoncelli bis hydraulic tunnel (Southern Apennines, Italy): Implications for reservoir analyses. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 165, 106867.

37. Hudson K.S., Ulmer K.J., Zimmaro P., Kramer S.L., Stewart J.P., Brandenberg S.J. (2024). Relationship between fines content and soil behavior type index at liquefaction sites. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 150(5), 06024001.

36. Wang P., Zimmaro P., Ahdi S.K., Yong A., Stewart J.P. (2024). Reply to “Comment on ‘Identification Protocols for Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratio Peaks’ by Pengfei Wang, Paolo Zimmaro, Sean K. Ahdi, Alan Yong, and Jonathan P. Stewart” by Yutaka Nakamura. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 114, 1180–1181.

35. Wang P., Liu Z., Brandenberg S.J., Zimmaro P., Stewart J.P. (2023). Regression-based scenario earthquake selection for regional hazard-consistent risk assessments. Earthquake Spectra, 39, 2236-2262.

34. Ausilio E., Durante M.G., Zimmaro P. (2023). On the Potential of Using Random Forest Models to Estimate the Seismic Bearing Capacity of Strip Footings Positioned on the Crest of Geosynthetic-Reinforced Soil Structures. Geosciences, 13, 317.

33. Hudson K.S., Ulmer K.J., Zimmaro P., Kramer S.L., Stewart J.P., Brandenberg S.J. (2023). Unsupervised machine learning for detecting soil layer boundaries from cone penetration test data. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, In Press. DOI: 10.1002/eqe.3961.

32. Regina G., Zimmaro P., Ziotopoulou K., Cairo R. (2023). Evaluation of the optimal ground motion intensity measure in the prediction of the seismic vulnerability of earth dams. Earthquake Spectra, 39, 2352-2378.

31. Bullock Z., Zimmaro P., Lavrentiadis G., Wang P., Ojomo O., Asimaki D., Rathje E.M., Stewart J.P. (2023). A Latent Gaussian Process Model for the Spatial Distribution of Liquefaction Manifestation. Earthquake Spectra, 39, 1189-1213.

30. Wang P., Zimmaro P., Ahdi S.K., Yong A., Stewart J.P. (2023). Identification protocols for horizontal‐to‐vertical spectral ratio peaks. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 113, 782–803.

29. Regina G., Zimmaro P., Taroni M., Akinci A. (2023). Peculiar characteristics of ground motions in Southern Italy: insights from global and regional ground motion models. Earthquake Spectra, 39, 577-595.

28. Ausilio E., Durante M.G., Zimmaro P. (2022). Best practices for developing geotechnical models and seismic hazard procedures for critical infrastructure: the Viadotto Italia case study in Southern Italy. Geosciences, 12(8), 295.

27. Carbonari S., Dezi F., Padrón L., Zimmaro P. (2022). Preface to special issue on modelling and assessment of soil- structure interaction effects on the dynamics of structures. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 20, 3071–3076.

26. Xie J., Li X., Wen Z., Jia L., An Z., Cui J., Lin G., Zhang Q., Jiang P., Xie Q., Wang P., Zimmaro P., Stewart J.P. (2022). Soil profile database and site classification for national strong‐motion stations in Western ChinaSeismological Research Letters, 93, 1930–1942.

25. Sadek S., Dabaghi M., O’Donnell T.M., Zimmaro P., Hashash Y.M.A., Stewart J.P. (2022). Impacts of 2020 Beirut Explosion on Port Infrastructure and Nearby Buildings. ASCE Natural Hazards Review, 23(2), 04022008.

24. Durante M.G., Brandenberg S.J., Ausilio E., Zimmaro P. (2022). On the combined effect of topographic irregularities and wave passage on the spatial variation of seismic ground motion. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 20, 3577–3592.

23. Wang P. Zimmaro P., Buckreis T.E., Gospe T., Brandenberg S.J., Ahdi S.K., Yong A., Stewart J.P. (2021). Relational database for horizontal‐to‐vertical spectral ratios. Seismological Research Letters, 93, 1075–1088.

22. Ausilio E., Zimmaro P.  (2021). Site-laboratory investigation strategies to characterize a complex slope instability phenomenon in Southern Italy. Italian Geotechnical Journal, 4/2021.

21. Cabas A., Beyzaei C., Stuedlein A., Franke K.W., Koehler R., Zimmaro P., Wood C., Christie S., Yang Z., Lorenzo-Velazquez C. (2021). Geotechnical lessons from the Mw 7.1 2018 Anchorage Alaska earthquake. Earthquake Spectra, 37, 2372–2399.

20. Zimmaro P., Ausilio E. (2020). Numerical Evaluation of Natural Periods and Mode Shapes of Earth Dams for Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis Applications. Geosciences, 10(12), 499.

19. Zimmaro P., Nweke C.C., Hernandez J.L., Hudson K.S., Hudson M.B., Ahdi S.K., Boggs M.L., Davis C.A., Goulet C.A., Brandenberg S.J., Hudnut K.W., Stewart J.P. (2020). Liquefaction and related ground failure from July 2019 Ridgecrest earthquake sequence. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 110, 1549-1566.

18. Brandenberg S.J., Zimmaro P., Stewart J.P., Kwak D.Y., Franke K.W., Moss R.E.S., Cetin K.O., Can G., Ilgac M., Stamatakos J., Weaver T., Kramer S.L. (2019). Next generation liquefaction database. Earthquake Spectra, 36, 939-959.

17. Zimmaro P., Kwak D.Y., Tsai Y.T., Stewart J.P., Brandenberg S.J., Mikami A., Kataoka S. (2019). Database on seismic response of flood control levees. Earthquake Spectra, 36, 924-938.

16. Lanzo G., Tommasi P., Ausilio E., Aversa S., Bozzoni F., Cairo R., d’Onofrio A., Durante M.G., Foti S., Giallini S., Mucciacciaro M., Pagliaroli A., Sica S., Silvestri F., Vessia G., Zimmaro P. (2019). Reconnaissance of geotechnical aspects of the 2016 Central Italy earthquakes. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 17, 5495-5532.

15. Zimmaro P., Stewart J.P., Brandenberg S.J., Kwak D.Y., Jongejan R. (2018). Multi-hazard system reliability of flood control levees. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 124, 345-353. [Author's pre-print version] [eScholarship].

14. Zimmaro P., Scasserra G., Stewart J.P., Kishida T., Tropeano G., Castiglia M., Pelekis P. (2018). Strong ground motion characteristics from 2016 Central Italy earthquake sequence. Earthquake Spectra, 34, 1611-1637. [Publisher's version] [Appendix] [Table S1] [Table S2] [eScholarship].

13. Durante M.G., Di Sarno L., Zimmaro P., Stewart J.P. (2018). Damage to roadway infrastructure from 2016 Central Italy earthquake sequence. Earthquake Spectra, 34, 1721-1737.

12. Gori S., Falcucci E., Galadini F., Zimmaro P., Pizzi A., Kayen R.E., Lingwall B., Moro M., Saroli M., Fubelli G., Di Domenica A., Stewart J.P. (2018). Surface faulting caused by the 2016 Central Italy seismic sequence: field mapping and Lidar/UAV imaging. Earthquake Spectra, 34, 1585-1610.

11. Galadini F., Falcucci E., Gori S., Zimmaro P., Cheloni D., Stewart J.P. (2018). Active faulting in source region of 2016–2017 Central Italy event sequence. Earthquake Spectra, 34, 1557-1583.

10. Franke K.W., Lingwall B.N., Zimmaro P., Kayen R.E., Tommasi P., Chiabrando F., Santo A. (2018). Phased reconnaissance approach to documenting landslides following the 2016 Central Italy earthquakes. Earthquake Spectra, 34, 1693-1719. [Publisher's version] [eScholarship].

9. Sextos A., De Risi R., Pagliaroli A., Foti S., Passeri F., Ausilio E., Cairo R., Capatti M.C., Chiabrando F., Chiaradonna A., Dashti S., De Silva F., Dezi F., Durante M.G., Giallini S., Lanzo G., Sica S. Simonelli A.L., Zimmaro P. (2018). Local site effects and incremental damage of buildings during the 2016 Central Italy earthquake sequence. Earthquake Spectra, 34, 1639-1669. [Publisher's version] [Appendix] [eScholarship].

8. Stewart J.P., Zimmaro P., Lanzo G., Mazzoni S., Ausilio E., Aversa S., Bozzoni F., Cairo R., Capatti M.C., Castiglia M., Chiabrando F., Chiaradonna A., d'Onofrio A., Dashti S., De Risi R.., de Silva F., della Pasqua F., Dezi F., Di Domenica A.,Di Sarno L., Durante M.G., Falcucci E., Foti S., Franke K.W., Galadini F., Giallini S., Gori S., Kayen R.E., Kishida T., Lingua A., Lingwall B., Mucciacciaro M., Pagliaroli A., Passeri F., Pelekis P., Pizzi A., Reimschiissel B., Santo A., Santucci de Magistris F., Scasserra G., Sextos A., Sica S., Silvestri F., Simonelli A.L., Spanò A., Tommasi P., Tropeano G. (2018). Reconnaissance of 2016 Central Italy earthquake sequence. Earthquake Spectra, 34, 1547-1555.

7. Zimmaro P., Kwak D.Y., Stewart J.P., Brandenberg S.J., Balakrishnan A., Jongejan R., Ausilio E., Dente G., Xie J., Mikami A. (2017). Procedures from international guidelines for assessing seismic risk to flood control levees. Earthquake Spectra, 33, 1191-1218.

6. Zimmaro P., Stewart J.P. (2017). Site-specific seismic hazard analysis for Calabrian dam site using regionally customized seismic source and ground motion models. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 94, 179-192.

5. Xie J., Zimmaro P., Li X., Wen Z.  (2017). Rupture directivity effects on strong ground motion during the 15 April 2016 Mw 7.0 Kumamoto earthquake in Japan. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 107, 1265-1276.

4. Ausilio E., Zimmaro P. (2017). Landslide characterization using a multidisciplinary approach. Measurement, 104, 294-301.

3. Deverel S.J., Bachand S., Brandenberg S.J., Jones C.E., Stewart J.P., Zimmaro P. (2016). Factors and processes affecting Delta levee system vulnerability. San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science, 14(4), Article 3.

2. Xie J., Zimmaro P., Li X., Wen Z., Song Y. (2016). VS30 empirical prediction relationships based on a new soil-profile database for the Beijing plain area, China. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 106, 2843-2854.

1. Ausilio E., Zimmaro P. (2015). Displacement-based seismic design of a shallow strip footing positioned near the edge of a rock slope. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 76, 68-77.

Curated Datasets, Databases, and Associated Tools

8. Buckreis T.E., Nweke C.C., Wang P., Brandenberg S.J., Ramos-Sepulveda M.E., Shams R., Pretell R., Mazzoni S., Zimmaro P., Stewart J.P. (2023). Web portal for the global earthquake ground motion relational database. The B. John Garrick Institute for the Risk Sciences. DOI: 10.34948/G4RP4K.

7. Ulmer K.J., Zimmaro P., Brandenberg S.J., Stewart J.P., Hudson K.S., Stuedlein A.W., Jana A., Dadashiserej A., Kramer S.L., Cetin K.O., Can G., Ilgac M., Franke K.W., Moss R.E.S., Bartlett S.F., Hosseinali M., Dacayanan H., Kwak D.Y., Stamatakos J., Mukherjee J., Salman U., Ybarra S., Weaver T. (2023). Next-Generation Liquefaction Database, Version 2. Next-Generation Liquefaction Consortium. DOI: 10.21222/C23P70.

6. Kwak D.Y., Ahdi S.K., Wang P., Zimmaro P., Brandenberg S.J., Stewart J.P. (2021). Web portal for shear wave velocity and HVSR databases in support of site response research and applications. UCLA Geotechnical Engineering Group. DOI: 10.21222/C27H0V.

5. Sadek S., Dabaghi M., Zimmaro P., Hashash Y., O'Donnell T., Stewart J.P. (2021). In person damage assessment and 360° photo collection and analysis, in GEER - August 4, 2020 Beirut Port Explosion. DesignSafe-CI. DOI: 10.17603/ds2-rh78-ak38.

4. Zimmaro P., Hudson K.S. (2019). Searles lake liquefaction, in Ridgecrest, CA earthquake sequence, July 4 and 5, 2019, DesignSafe-CI. DOI: 10.17603/ds2-9wp5-rp81.

3. Brandenberg S.J., Zimmaro P., Lee A., Fisher H., Stewart J.P. (2019). Next Generation Liquefaction (NGL) Partner Dataset. DesignSafe-CI. DOI: 10.17603/ds2-2xzy-1y96.

2. Zimmaro P., Brandenberg S.J., Stewart J.P., Kwak D.Y., Franke K.W., Moss R.E.S., Cetin K.O., Can G., Ilgac M., Stamatakos J., Juckett M., Mukherjee J., Murphy Z., Ybarra S., Weaver T., Bozorgnia Y., Kramer S.L. (2019). Next-Generation Liquefaction Database. Next-Generation Liquefaction Consortium. DOI: 10.21222/C2J040.

1. Kataoka S., Mikami A., Zimmaro P., Kwak D.Y., Tsai Y.T., Brandenberg S.J., Stewart J.P. (2019). A database of seismic records at instrumented levee sites in Japan. Earthquake Disaster Management Division, National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management. DOI: 10.21222/C2TC95.

Major Reports, Dissertations, and Book Chapters

15. Brandenberg S.J., Stewart J.P., Hudson K.S., Kwak D.Y., Zimmaro P., Parker Q. (2024). Ground Failure of Hydraulic Fills in Chiba, Japan and Data Archival in Community Database. PEER Report 2024/06. Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center, University of California, Berkeley, CA. DOI: 10.55461/AMNH7013.

14. Ausilio E., Silvestri F., Tropeano G., Zimmaro P. (2022). Landslides Triggered by Recent Earthquakes in Italy. Book Chapter: Coseismic Landslides. Springer Natural Hazards. Springer, Singapore. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-19-6597-5_10.

13. Zimmaro P.Stimilli F. (2022). Liaison tra comunita' scientifica e governo. Book Chapter: Progetto Rinascita Centro Italia – Nuovi sentieri di sviluppo per L’Appennino Centrale interessato dal sisma del 2016. Carsa Edizioni. In Italian.

12. Fabbrocino G., Santucci De Magistris F., Castiglia M., Zimmaro P. (2022). La vulnerabilità dei luoghi in relazione alla pericolosità sismica. Book Chapter: Progetto Rinascita Centro Italia – Nuovi sentieri di sviluppo per L’Appennino Centrale interessato dal sisma del 2016. Carsa Edizioni. In Italian.

11. Wang P., Zimmaro P.Gospe T., Ahdi, S.K., Kwak D.Y., Yong A., Stewart J.P. (2021). Horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratios from California sites: open-source database and data interpretation to establish site parameters. Natural Hazards Risk and Resiliency Research Center B. John Garrick Institute for the Risk Sciences University of California, Los Angeles (Headquarters). Report GIRS-2021-6. DOI: 10.34948/N3KW20.

10. Sadek S., Dabaghi M., Elhajj I., Zimmaro P., Hashash Y.M.A., Yun S.H., O'Donnell T.M., Stewart J.P. (2021). Engineering impacts of the August 4, 2020 Port of Beirut, Lebanon explosion. Geotechnical Extreme Event Reconnaissance Association. DOI: 10.18118/G6C96C.

9. Brandenberg S.J., Stewart J.P. Hudson K.S., Zimmaro P. (2020). Cyclic softening and post cyclic volume change of fine-grained soil. Final Report for USGS Award Number G19AP00084.

8. Wang P., Zimmaro P.,  Ahdi, S.K., Kwak D.Y., Stewart J.P. (2019). Shear wave velocity database and its application for analysis of non-ergodic site amplification effects. Technical report on research conducted with support from the US Geological Survey, California Strong Motion Instrumentation Program, and Consortium of Organizations for Strong Motion Observation Systems. University of California, Los Angeles.

7. Kayen R.E., Wham B., Grant A., Mikami A., Anderson D., Zimmaro P., Wang P., Tsai Y.T., Bachhuber J., Madugo C., Sun J., Hitchcock C., Motto M. (2019). Seismological, geological, and geotechnical engineering aspects of the 2018 Mw 6.6 Hokkaido Eastern Iburi earthquake - Version 1.0, GEER Association Report No. GEER-060. DOI: 10.18118/G6CM1K.

6. Zimmaro P. and Stewart J.P. editors, GEER (2017). Engineering reconnaissance following the October 2016 Central Italy earthquakes - Version 2, GEER Association Report No. GEER-050D. DOI: 10.18118/G6HS39.

5. Zimmaro P. and Stewart J.P. editors, GEER (2017). Engineering reconnaissance following the October 2016 Central Italy earthquakes, GEER Association Report No. GEER-050C. DOI: 10.18118/G6S88H.

4. Zimmaro P. and Stewart J.P. editors, GEER (2016). Engineering reconnaissance of the 24 August 2016 Central Italy earthquake. Version 2, GEER Association Report No. GEER-050B. DOI: 10.18118/G61S3Z.

3. Zimmaro P. and Stewart J.P. editors. (2016). Engineering Reconnaissance following the 2016 M6.0 Central Italy earthquake: Ver 1, GEER Association Report No. GEER-050A. DOI: 10.18118/G65K5W.

2. Zimmaro P., Stewart J.P. (2015). Probabilistic seismic hazard analysis for a dam site in Calabria (Southern Italy). UCLA-SGEL 2015/02 Structural and Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory, Civil & Environmental Engineering Department, UCLA.

1. Zimmaro P. (2015). Seismic response of the Farneto del Principe dam in Italy using hazard-consistent and site-specific ground motions. PhD Dissertation, University Mediterranea, Reggio Calabria.

National and International Conferences

79. Zimmaro P., Durante M.G., Ausilio E. (2024). Machine learning models for the evaluation of the seismic bearing capacity of strip foundations interacting with geosynthetic reinforced slopes (In Italian). Proc. XXXIII Convegno Nazionale sui Geosintetici (Italian conference on geosynthetics), Bologna (Italy), 11 October.

78. Ulmer K.J, Hudson K.S., Brandenberg S.J., Zimmaro P., Kramer S.L., Stamatakos J., Stewart J.P. (2024). Next Generation Liquefaction Project, Part 1: Overview (Abstract). DOE/NRC Natural Phenomena Hazards Meeting, Rockville, MA (USA), 29-30 October.

77. Hudson K.S., Ulmer K.J, Zimmaro P., Brandenberg S.J., Kramer S.L., Stewart J.P. (2024). Next Generation Liquefaction Project, Part 2: SMT’s Models for Susceptibility, Triggering, and Manifestation (Abstract). DOE/NRC Natural Phenomena Hazards Meeting, Rockville, MA (USA), 29-30 October.

76. Buckreis T.E., Shams R., Mohammed S., Li M., Kishida T., Lanzano G., Luzi L., Zimmaro P., Bradley B.A., Huang J.-Y., Nweke C.C., Brandenberg S.J., Donahue J.L., Bozorgnia Y., Stewart J.P. (2024). Overview of the NGA-West3 Ground Motion Database (Abstract). Southern California Earthquake Center (SCEC) Annual Meeting, 8-11 September, Palm Springs, CA (USA).

75. Barbagelata J.M., Zimmaro P., d’Onofrio A., Pagano L., Silvestri F. (2024). A proposal for earthquake early warning systems for emankment dams using fragility functions. Incontro Annuale Ricercatori di Geotecnica, Gaeta (Italy), 4-6 September.

74. Amendola C., Conti R., Zimmaro P., Marinelli M., Pariota L., Di Costanzo L., de Silva F. (2024). A novel framework to evaluate the influence of seismic performance of geotechnical systems on the resilience of road networks. Proc. XVIII European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Lisbon (Portugal), 26-30 August. Guerra, N., Matos Fernandes, M., Ferreira, C., Gomes Correia, A., Pinto, A., & Sêco Pinto, P. (Eds.). Geotechnical Engineering Challenges to Meet Current and Emerging Needs of Society (1st ed.). CRC Press. DOI: 10.1201/9781003431749.

73. O’Donnell T.M.., Zimmaro P., Fielding E.J., Stewart J.P. (2024). Application of NASA damage proxy maps for assessing structural performance in 2016 Central Italy earthquake sequence. Proc. 2024 IEEE International Geoscience Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS2024), Athens (Greece), 7-12 July. DOI: 10.1109/IGARSS53475.2024

72. Zimmaro P. (2024). Seismic and multi-hazard system reliability of distributed geotechnical infrastructure systems. Proc. 22nd International Symposium on Geo-disaster Reduction. Salerno (Italy), 22-25 July. With oral presentation.

71. Zimmaro P., Hudson K.S., Ulmer K.J., Brandenberg S.J., Stewart J.P., Kramer S.L. (2024). A machine learning-based analysis of liquefaction input factors using the next generation liquefaction database. Proc. 18th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (WCEE2024), Milan (Italy), 30 June – 5 July. With oral presentation.

70. Zimmaro P., Durante M.G., Ausilio E. (2024). Machine learning-based design of strip footing positioned on the crest of geosynthetic-reinforced soil structures. Proc. 45th Italian Conference on Integrated River Basin Management, 17-18 June, Arcavacata di Rende (Italy), Technologies for Integrated River Basin Management – Tecniche per la Difesa del Suolo e dall’Inquinamento” (ISBN: 978‐88‐97181‐90‐3 – ISSN 2282‐5517). With oral presentation.

69. Zimmaro P., Durante M.G. (2024). A critical assessment of the damage induced by the Irpinia 1980 earthquake to the Pavoncelli Tunnel in Southern Italy. Proc. 45th Italian Conference on Integrated River Basin Management, 17-18 June, Arcavacata di Rende (Italy), Technologies for Integrated River Basin Management – Tecniche per la Difesa del Suolo e dall’Inquinamento” (ISBN: 978‐88‐97181‐90‐3 – ISSN 2282‐5517). With oral presentation.

68. Hudson K.S., Ulmer K.J., Brandenberg S.J., Zimmaro P., Kramer S.L., Stewart J.P. (2024). A framework for probabilistic assessment of liquefaction manifestation (Abstract + Poster). Earthquake Engineering Research Institute Annual Meeting, 9-12 April, Seattle, WA (USA).

67. Hudson K.S., Ulmer K., Brandenberg S.J., Zimmaro P., Kramer S.L., Stewart J.P. (2024). A framework for probabilistic assessment of liquefaction manifestation. Geo-Congress 2024: Geotechnics of Natural Hazards. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, February , Geotechnical Special Publication 349, 152–160.

66. Taroni M., Akinci A., Zimmaro P., Regina G. (2023). A vulnerability-based method for the selection of ground motion models for probabilistic seismic hazard analysis. (Abstract). XXVIII General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG), Berlin (Germany), 11-20 July. DOI: 10.57757/IUGG23-4741.

65. Zimmaro P., Durante M.G., Ausilio E. (2023). Identification of the timing of liquefaction at a levee site in Japan using a time-frequency based analysis. National Conference of the Researchers of Geotechnical Engineering. Palermo (Italy), July 5-7. Ferrari et al. (Eds.): Springer Series in Geomechanics and Geoengineering book series, Springer Nature Switzerland, 578-584. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-34761-0_70.

64. Amendola C., Conti R., Zimmaro P., Pariota L., Marinelli M., de Silva F. (2023). Influence of the seismic performance of geotechnical systems on the resilience of a road network. National Conference of the Researchers of Geotechnical Engineering. Palermo (Italy), July 5-7. Ferrari et al. (Eds.): Springer Series in Geomechanics and Geoengineering book series, Springer Nature Switzerland, 662–670. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-34761-0_80.

63. O’Donnell T.M., Zimmaro P., Fielding E.J., Stewart J.P. (2023). Utilizing remote sensing and site reconnaissance data to map surface manifestation of liquefaction. Geo-Congress 2023, Geotechnical Data Analysis and Computation, Los Angeles, CA (USA), March 26–29. Geotechnical Special Publication 342, 377-388.

62. Yang Y., Brandenberg S.J., Zimmaro P., Stewart J.P. (2023). Validation of analysis using case histories of Japanese levees. Geo-Congress 2023, Geotechnical Systems from Pore-Scale to City-Scale, Los Angeles, CA (USA), March 26–29. Geotechnical Special Publication, 343, 106-115.

61. Hudson K.S., Brandenberg S.J., Zimmaro P., Ulmer K., Kramer S.L., Stewart J.P. (2023). Kriging interpolation of ground motion residuals at liquefaction case history sites. Geo-Congress 2023, Geotechnics of Natural Hazards, Los Angeles, CA (USA), March 26–29. Geotechnical Special Publication, 338, 365-372.

60. Zimmaro P., Ausilio E. (2022). Earthquake-induced ground failure in Central and Southern Italy. 43rd Italian Conference on Integrated River Basin Management, Guardia Piemontese (Italy), November 25-26. With oral presentation.

59. Regina G., Zimmaro P., Ziotopoulou K., Cairo R. (2022). Seismic fragility analysis of two earth dams in Southern Italy using simplified and advanced constitutive models. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Performance Based Design in Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, Beijing (China), August 15-17, Geotechnical, Geological and Earthquake Engineering book series, pp 1968–1975.

58. Hudson K.S., Zimmaro P., Ulmer K., Carlton B., Stuedlein A., Jana A., Dadashiserej A., Brandenberg S.J., Stamatakos J., Kramer S.L., Stewart J.P. (2022). Laboratory component of Next-Generation Liquefaction project database. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Performance Based Design in Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, Beijing (China), August 15-17, Geotechnical, Geological and Earthquake Engineering book series, 52, 1865–1874.

57. Bullock Z., Zimmaro P., Wang P., Ojomo O., Asimaki D., Rathje E.M., Stewart J.P. (2022). Regional estimation of liquefaction-induced ground deformations using a data-informed probabilistic approach. 12th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, EERI, Salt Lake City, UT (USA), June 27 - July 1, 2022.

56. Ojomo O., Rathje E.M., Bullock Z., Wang P., Zimmaro P., Asimaki D., Stewart J.P. (2022). Framework for regional earthquake-induced landslide assessment using a data-informed probabilistic approach. 12th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, EERI, Salt Lake City, UT (USA), June 27 - July 1.

55. Stewart J.P., Asimaki D., Rathje E.M., Bullock Z., Ojomo O., Wang P., Zimmaro P. (2022). Framework for regional analysis of spatially distributed ground failure displacement hazards. 12th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, EERI, Salt Lake City, UT (USA), June 27 - July 1.

54. Liu Z., Wang P., Brandenberg S.J., Zimmaro P., Stewart J.P. (2022). Validation of Regression-Based Event Selection for Seismic Risk Assessment of Distributed Levee System in California. 12th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, EERI, Salt Lake City, UT (USA), June 27 - July 1.

53. Wang P., Liu Z., Brandenberg S.J., Zimmaro P., Stewart J.P. (2022). Regression-Based Event Selection for Hazard-Consistent Seismic Risk Assessment. 12th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, EERI, Salt Lake City, UT (USA), June 27 - July 1.

52. Brandenberg S.J., Goulet C.A., Zimmaro P., Wang Y., Nweke C.C., Tang B., Wang P., Hudson K.S., Ahdi S.K., Meng X., Hudson M.B., Donnellan A., Lyzenga G.A., Stewart J.P., Gallien T., Winters M.A (2022). Fault Rupture and Liquefaction Feature Mapping with Unmanned Aerial Systems after the Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence (Abstract). 12th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, EERI, Salt Lake City, UT (USA), June 27 - July 1.

51. Hudson K.S., Brandenberg S.J., Kramer S.L., Ulmer K., Zimmaro P. (2022). NGL Supported Modeling Team Approach (Abstract). 12th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, EERI, Salt Lake City, UT (USA), June 27 - July 1.

50. Ulmer K.J., Zimmaro P., Brandenberg S.J., Çetin K.O., Franke K.W., Moss R.E.S., Can G., Hudson K.S., Ilgaç M. (2022). Next Generation Liquefaction Database and Cloud Computing (Abstract). 12th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, EERI, Salt Lake City, UT (USA), June 27 - July 1.

49. Stamatakos J., Stewart J.P., Kramer S.L., Brandenberg S.J., Zimmaro P., Ulmer K.J. (2022). Next Generation Liquefaction (NGL) Overview (Abstract). 12th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, EERI, Salt Lake City, UT (USA), June 27 - July 1.

48. Zimmaro P., Ausilio E. (2022). Geotechnical and structural investigation and monitoring techniques to determine the origin of ongoing damage processes in historical buildings: The Saint Francis of Paola Church in Rome case history. Geotechnical Engineering for the Preservation of Monuments and Historic Sites III – Lancellotta, Viggiani, Flora, de Silva & Mele (Eds), CRC Press, Napoli (Italy), June 22-24. DOI: 10.1201/9781003308867-47. With oral presentation.

47. Ahdi S.K., Stewart J.P., Kwak D.Y., Zimmaro P., Nweke C.C., Hudson K.S., Yong A., Brandenberg S.J., Hudson M.B., Bozorgnia Y. (2022). Seismic site characterization data for lifelines and other applications - A 50 year retrospective in Los Angeles, CA (USA) (Abstract). Proceedings Lifelines Conference 2021-2022, ASCE Infrastructure Resilience Division, Online, January 31-February 11.

46. Regina G., Cairo R., Zimmaro P., Ziotopoulou K. (2021). Analisi probabilistica del comportamento sismico di dighe in terra (ENG: Probabilistic analysis of the seismic performance of earth dams). Incontro Annuale Ricercatori di Geotecnica, Online, November 12.

45. Zimmaro P., Wang P., Asimaki D., Bullock Z., Rathje E.M., Ojomo O., Donahue J., Bozorgnia Y., Mosleh A., Stewart J.P. (2021). Regional-scale geohazards evaluation for risk assessment of natural gas storage and transmission infrastructure (Extended Abstract). Geo-Extreme 2021, Case Histories, Lessons Learned, and Best Practices: Infrastructure, Savannah, GA (USA), November 7–10. Geotechnical Special Publication, 328, 83-89.

44. Hudson K.S., Stewart J.P., Brandenberg S.J., Zimmaro P. (2021). Kriging interpolation of ground motion intensity measure residuals for next-generation liquefaction project. (Abstract + Poster). Southern California Earthquake Center (SCEC) Annual Meeting 2021, Online, September 12-17.

43. Ausilio E., Zimmaro P. (2021). Site-laboratory investigation strategies to characterize a complex slope instability phenomenon in Southern Italy. Mediterranean Symposium on Landslides Slope stability problems in stiff clays and flysch formations, Online, June 7-9. With oral presentation.

42. Regina G., Ausilio E., Dente G., Zimmaro P. (2021). A critical overview of geophysical investigation and laboratory test results used in the seismic re-evaluation of the Farneto del Principe dam in Italy. 6th International Conference on Geotechnical and Geophysical Site Characterisation, ISC’6, Budapest (Hungary), September 7-11.

41. Wang P., Gospe T., Zimmaro P., Ahdi S.K., Yong A., Stewart J.P. (2021). Consistency of earthquake and microtremor HVSRs derived for California sites (Abstract). Seismological Society of America 2021 Annual Meeting, Online, April 19-23.

40. Brandenberg S.J., Liu Z., Wang P., Zimmaro P., Stewart J.P. (2021). Earthquake event selection for regional seismic hazard analysis of levee systems (Abstract). Seismological Society of America 2021 Annual Meeting, Online, April 19-23.

39. Sadek S., Dabaghi M., Zimmaro P., O'Donnell T.M., Yun S.H., Hashash Y.M.A., Stewart J.P. (2021). Blast impacts of August 2020 Beirut explosion from ground observations and satellite data (Abstract). Seismological Society of America 2021 Annual Meeting, Online, April 19-23.

38. Brandenberg S.J., Liu Z., Wang P., Zimmaro P., Stewart J.P. (2021). Earthquake event selection for regional seismic hazard analysis of levee systems (Abstract). 11th Biennial Bay Delta Science Conference, Online, April 8.

37. Bachand S., Brandenberg S.J., Zimmaro P. (2021). Integrating geophysical data, and climate drive hydrologic and subsidence models in predicting Delta Levee failure risks (Abstract). 11th Biennial Bay Delta Science Conference, Online, April 8.

36. Ahdi S.K., Zimmaro P., Kwak D.Y., Gospe T., Yong A., Sadiq S., Ilhan O., Bozorgnia Y., Hashash Y.M.A., Park D., Brandenberg S.J., Stewart J.P. (2021). Status of the United States community shear-wave velocity profile database (Abstract). 6th IASPEI/IAEE International Symposium: Effects of Surface Geology on Seismic Motion, Online, March 15-17.

35. Hudson K.S., Zimmaro P., Rangel C., Brandenberg S.J., Stewart J.P. (2020). Laboratory component of next generation liquefaction database. 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (WCEE), Sendai (Japan).

34. Gospe T., Zimmaro P., Wang P., Buckreis T., Ahdi S.K., Yong A.K., Brandenberg S.J., Stewart J.P. (2020). Supplementing shear wave velocity profile database with microtremor-based H/V spectral ratios. 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (WCEE), Sendai (Japan).

33. Gospe T., Wang P., Zimmaro P., Stewart J.P. (2020). HVSR database and multi-measurement consistency for California sites. SMIP20 Seminar on Utilization of Strong Motion Data  Proceedings, The California Strong Motion Instrumentation Program (CSMIP), Online, October 22.

32. Zimmaro P., Stewart J.P., Scasserra G., Kishida T., Tropeano G. (2019). Strong ground motion characteristics of 2016 Central Italy earthquakes and implications for ground motion modeling (invited paper). 7th lnternational Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering (VII ICEGE), Rome (Italy), June 17-20. With oral presentation.

31. Zimmaro P., Brandenberg S.J., Bozorgnia Y., Stewart J.P., Kwak D.Y., Cetin K.O., Can G., Ilgac M., Franke K.W., Moss R.E.S., Kramer S.L., Stamatakos J., Juckett M., Weaver T. (2019). Quality control for next-generation liquefaction case histories. 7th lnternational Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering (VII ICEGE), Rome (Italy), June 17-20. With oral presentation.

30. Ausilio E., Silvestri F., Tropeano G., Zimmaro P. (2019). Spatial distribution of landslides triggered by the 2016 Central Italy seismic sequence. 7th lnternational Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering (VII ICEGE), Rome (Italy), June 17-20.

29. Kayen R.E., Franke K.W., Dashti S., Zimmaro P. (2019). Permanent seismic displacements in volcanic lake-bed deposits of Aso Caldera, Kumamoto, Japan. 7th lnternational Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering (VII ICEGE), Rome (Italy), June 17-20.

28. Regina G., Cairo R., Zimmaro P. (2019). Ground response analyses for a zoned earth dam site in Southern Italy. 7th Italian National Congress of Geotechnical Researchers (CNRIG2019), Lecco (Italy), July 3-5. Lecture Notes in Civil Eng, 40, 148-154.

27. Zimmaro P., Ausilio E. (2019). Seismic performance of flood-control levee systems. 40th Italian Conference on Integrated River Basin Management, Guardia Piemontese (Italy), June 19-22. With oral presentation.

26. Ausilio E., Zimmaro P. (2019). Seismic induced landslides following the 2016 Central Italy earthquakes. 40th Italian Conference on Integrated River Basin Management, Guardia Piemontese (Italy), June 19-22. With oral presentation.

25. Regina G., Cairo R., Zimmaro P. (2019). Seismic response of a zoned earth dam in Southern Italy. Proceedings Incontro Annuale dei Giovani Ingegneri Geotecnici (IAGIG), Naples (Italy), May 10-11. (In Italian).

24. Zimmaro P., Brandenberg S.J., Bozorgnia Y., Stewart J.P., Kwak D.Y., Cetin K.O., Franke K.W., Moss R.E.S., Kramer S.L., Stamatakos J., Juckett M. (2019). The next-generation liquefaction database project: current status and future goals (Abstract). Seismological Society of America Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA (USA), April 23-26.

23. Zimmaro P., Kwak D.Y., Stewart J.P., Brandenberg S.J., Stamatakos J., Juckett M., Weaver T., Kramer S.L. (2018). Next generation liquefaction case history database (Abstract). Chief of Nuclear Safety (CNS) – U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC): Natural Phenomena Hazards Meeting, Rockville, MD (USA), October 23-24. With oral presentation.

22. Ausilio E., Silvestri F., Tropeano G., Zimmaro P. (2018). Landslides triggered by recent earthquakes in Italy. Technical Report, Joint Technical Committee JTC1 – TR4: Natural Slopes and Landslides – Earthquake-Induced Landslides, Federation of the International Geoengineering Societies (FedIGS). In Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Coseismic Landslides, Kyoto (Japan), 23-24 September.

21. Xie J., Zimmaro P., Li X., Wen Z. (2018). Effect of source rupture directivity on the ground shaking from strike-slip earthquakes and its implication for directivity models (Abstract + Poster). Southern California Earthquake Center (SCEC) Annual Meeting 2018, Palm Springs, CA (USA) September 8-11.

20. Zimmaro P., Scasserra G., Kishida T., Tropeano G., Stewart J.P. (2018). Ground motion characteristics of the 2016 Central Italy earthquake sequence. 11th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Los Angeles, CA (USA) June 25-29. With oral presentation.

19. Kwak D.Y., Zimmaro P., Stewart J.P., Nakai S., Sekiguchi T. (2018). Case study of liquefaction susceptibility from field performance of hydraulic fills. 11th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Los Angeles, CA (USA) June 25-29.

18. De Risi R., Sextos A., Zimmaro P., Simonelli A.L., Stewart J.P. (2018). The 2016 Central Italy earthquakes sequence: observations of incremental building damage. 11th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Los Angeles, CA (USA) June 25-29.

17. Gori S., Falcucci E., Kayen R.E., Zimmaro P., Lingwall B., Galadini F., Stewart J.P. (2018). Surface fault rupture from 2016 Central Italy earthquake sequence. 11th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Los Angeles, CA (USA) June 25-29. With poster presentation.

16. Durante M.G., Brandenberg S.J., Ausilio E., Zimmaro P. (2018). Influence of topographic irregularities on the asyncronism of strong ground motions. 11th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Los Angeles, CA (USA) June 25-29.

15. Kayen R.E., Gori S., Lingwall B., Galadini F., Falcucci E., Franke K.W., Stewart J.P., Zimmaro P. (2018). Mt. Vettore fault zone rupture - LIDAR- and UAS-based Structure-from-Motion computational imaging. 16th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering (16ECEE), Thessaloniki (Greece), June 18-21, 2018.

14. Brandenberg S.J., Kwak D.Y., Zimmaro P., Bozorgnia Y., Kramer S.L., Stewart J.P. (2018). Next-generation liquefaction (NGL) case history database structure. 5th Decennial Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics Conference. Austin, TX (USA), June 10-13. Geotechnical Special Publication, 290, 426-433. With oral Presentation.

13. Zimmaro P., Kwak D.Y., Brandenberg S.J., Stewart J.P. (2018). NGL: an open source global database for next-generation of liquefaction assessment. SSA-LACSC scientific conference - Seismology of the Americas. Miami, FL (USA), May 14-17. With oral presentation

12. Zimmaro P., Stewart J.P, Brandenberg S.J., Kwak D.Y., Jongejan R. (2017). System reliability of flood control levees. Third international conference on performance-based design in earthquake geotechnical engineering, Vancouver (Canada), July 16-19.

 11. Kwak D.Y., Ancheta T., Mitra D., Ahdi S., Zimmaro P., Parker G., Brandenberg S.J., Stewart J.P. (2017). Performance evaluation of VSZ-to-VS30 correlation methods using global VS profile database. Third international conference on performance-based design in earthquake geotechnical engineering, Vancouver (Canada), July 16-19.

 10. Kwak D.Y., Jongejan R., Zimmaro P., Brandenberg S.J., Stewart J.P. (2017). Methods for probabilistic seismic levee system reliability analysis. ASCE-Geo-Risk 2017: Reliability-Based Design and Code Developments, Denver, CO (USA), June 4-7. Geotechnical Special Publication, 283, 140-150.

 9. Zimmaro P., Kwak D.Y., Stewart J.P., Brandenber S.J., Balakrishnan A., Jongejan R., Ausilio E., Dente G., Xie J., Mikami A. (2017). Seismic risk of flood-control levees assessment. XXVI Convegno Nazionale di Geotecnica, Rome (Italy), June 20-22. With oral presentation.

 8. Ausilio E., Dente G., Durante M.G., Mirabelli S., Zimmaro P. (2017). Effect of topography on the asyncronism of seismic ground motion in the Lao river valley in Calabria. XXVI Convegno Nazionale di Geotecnica, Rome (Italy), June 20-22.

7. Stewart J.P., Lanzo G., Alexander N., Aversa S., Bozzoni F., Castiglia M., Chiabrando F., Chiaradonna A., D’Onofrio A., Dashti S., De Risi R., De Silva F., Di Pietra V., Di Sarno L., Durante M.G., Falcucci E., Foti S., Fragiadakis M., Franke K., Galadini F., Giallini S., Gori S., Grasso N., Katsiveli E., Kayen R.E., Kishida T., Mucciacciaro M., Mylonakis G., Pagliaroli A., Pelekis P., Penna A., Psycharis I., Reimschiissel B., Santucci de Magistris F., Scasserra G., Sextos A., Sica S., Silvestri F., Simonelli A.L., Tommasi P., Tropeano G., Vintzilaiou E., Zimmaro P. (2017). Engineering reconnaissance following the August 24, 2016 M6.0 Central Italy earthquake. 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 16WCEE 2017, Santiago, Chile, January 9-13.

 6. Zimmaro P., Powers P., Stewart J.P., Luco N., Shumway A., Brandenberg S.J. (2016). Seismic hazard in Sacramento - San Joaquin river delta using UCERF3 source models and NGA - West2 ground motion models. 9th Biennial Bay-Delta science conference - Science for solutions: linking data and decisions, Sacramento, November 15-17. With oral presentation.

5. Kwak D.Y., Zimmaro P., Brandenberg S.J., Stewart J.P. (2016). Seismic risk assessment of levee systems. Delta Independent Science Board (ISB) Meeting, UC Davis, 14-15 July.

4. Ausilio E., Dente G., Zimmaro P. (2016). Geotechnical investigation and field performance of a zoned earth dam in Italy. Proceedings of 1st IMEKO TC4 International Workshop on Metrology for Geotechnics, Benevento (Italy), March 16-18.

3. Ausilio E., Zimmaro P. (2014). . A combined technique approach for the study of a landslide in the Calabria region. Proceedings of 20th IMEKO TC4 Symposium – Special Session: Advanced Measurements in Geotechnics, Benevento (Italy), September 15-17. With oral presentation.

2. Ausilio E., Dente G., Zimmaro P. (2013). Osservazioni sul monitoraggio geotecnico della diga di Farneto del Principe (ENG: Observations on the geotechnical monitoring system of the Farneto del Principe dam). Incontro Annuale Ricercatori di Geotecnica, Perugia (Italy), September 16-18. With oral presentation.

1. Ausilio E., Zimmaro P. (2012). Topographic effects evaluation for performance-based design. Proceedings of Second international conference on performance-based design in earthquake geotechnical engineering, Taormina (Italy), May 28-30. With oral presentation.