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Journal Publications

  1. Moss, R. E.S., E. Altunel, P. Bassal, J.D. Bray, T.E. Buckreis, O.K. Cetin, K. Clahan, E. Duman, D. Frost, Y. Hashash, R.D. Koehler, O. Kozaci, J.M. Lozano, J. Macedo, D. Moug, E. Nichols, M. Pehlivan, R. Pretell, J.P. Stewart, K. Ulmer, and C. Yildirim (2024) Geotechnical and geological reconnaissance observations of the February 6th 2023 Türkiye Earthquakes, Earthquake Spectra, (pre-print).
  2. Mohammed, S., R. Shams, C.C. Nweke, T.E. Buckreis, M.D. Kohler, Y. Bozorgnia, and J.P. Stewart (2024) Usability of Community Seismic Network recordings for ground motion modeling, Earthquake Spectra, (pre-print).
  3. Buckreis, T.E., R. Pretell, M.A. Sandikkaya, Ö. Kale, A. Askan, S.J. Brandenberg, and J.P. Stewart (2024) Engineering attributes of ground motions from February 2023 Türkiye earthquake sequence, Earthquake Spectra, (pre-print).
  4. Buckreis, T.E., J.P. Stewart, S.J. Brandenberg, and P. Wang (2024) Small-strain site response of soft soils in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta region of California conditioned on VS30 and mHVSR, Earthquake Spectra, 40(1): 230-260.
  5. Buckreis, T.E., J.P. Stewart, S.J. Brandenberg, and P. Wang (2023) Subregional anelastic attenuation model for California, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 113(6): 2292-2310.
  6. Wang, P., P. Zimmaro, T.E. Buckreis, T. Gospe, S.J. Brandenberg, S.K. Ahdi, A. Yong, and J.P. Stewart (2022) Relational database for Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratios, Seismological Research Letters, 93(2A): 1075-1088.
  7. Brandenberg, S.J., J.P. Stewart, P. Wang, C.C. Nweke, K. Hudson, C.A. Goulet, X. Meng, C.A. Davis, S.K. Ahdi, M.B. Hudson, A. Donnellan, G. Lyzenga, M. Pierce, J. Wang, M.A. Winters, M.P. Delisle, J. Lucey, Y. Kim, T.W. Gallien, A. Lyda, J.S. Yeung, O. Issa, T. Buckreis, and Z. Yi (2020) Ground Deformation Data from GEER Investigations of Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence, Seismological Research Letters, 91(4): 2024–2034.

Conference Papers

  1. Buckreis, T.E., C.C. Nweke, P. Wang, S.J. Brandenberg, R. Shams, M.E. Ramos-Sepúlveda, R. Pretell, S. Mazzoni, and J.P. Stewart (2024) User-interaction with a web-served global ground motion relational database, 18th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (WCEE2024), Milan, Italy, June 30 - July 5, 2024.
  2. Buckreis, T.E., P. Wang, S.J. Brandenberg, and J.P. Stewart (2024) A general framework for modeling subregional path effects, 18th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (WCEE2024), Milan, Italy, June 30 - July 5, 2024.
  3. Buckreis, T.E., R. Pretell, M.A. Sandikkaya, Ö. Kale, A. Askan, S.J. Brandenberg, and J.P. Stewart (2024) February 6, 2023 Türkiye Earthquakes: Ground Motions, 8th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering (8ICEGE), Osaka, Japan, May 7 - May 10, 2024.
  4. Ornelas, F-J.G., Buckreis, T.E., C.C. Nweke, P. Wang, C. de la Torre, S.J. Brandenberg, and J.P. Stewart (2024) Preliminary ergodic site response model for California conditioned on VS30 and HVSR parameters, 8th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering (8ICEGE), Osaka, Japan, May 7 - May 10, 2024.
  5. Stewart, J.P., S.A. Mohammad, C.C. Nweke, R. Shams, T.E. Buckreis, M.D. Kohler, and Y. Bozorgnia (2023) Comparison of ground motions from CSN instruments and proximate sensors from other networks, Proc. SMIP2023 Seminar on Utilization of Strong Motion Data, California Strong Motion Instrumentation Program, Online Seminar.
  6. Buckreis, T.E., C.C. Nweke, P. Wang, S.J. Brandenberg, S. Mazzoni, and J.P. Stewart (2023) Relational database for California strong ground motions, Geo-Congress 2023: Geotechnical Data Analysis and Computation, Los Angeles, CA, March 2023, Geotechnical Special Publication No. 342, EM Rathje, B Montoya, and MH Wayne (Eds.), 461-470, ASCE Geo-Institute.
  7. Wang, P., T.E. Buckreis, S.J. Brandenberg, and J.P. Stewart (2023) Modified hyperbolic model for dynamic properties of peaty organic soils, Geo-Congress 2023: Geotechnical Characterization, Los Angeles, CA, March 2023, Geotechnical Special Publication No. 340, EM Rathje, B Montoya, and MH Wayne (Eds.), 273-282, ASCE Geo-Institute
  8. Buckreis, T.E., P. Wang, S.J. Brandenberg, S. Friesen, and J.P. Stewart (2023) Site characterization data for site response modeling in Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta region of California, Geo-Congress 2023: Geotechnics of Natural Hazards, Los Angeles, CA, March 2023, Geotechnical Special Publication No. 338, EM Rathje, B Montoya, and MH Wayne (Eds.), 187-196, ASCE Geo-Institute.
  9. Buckreis, T.E., P. Wang, S.J. Brandenberg, and J.P. Stewart (2022) Seismic ground motion prediction for Delta Region of California including regional path effects and local site response, 12th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, EERI, Salt Lake City, UT, June 27 - July 1, 2022.
  10. Gospe, T., P. Zimmaro, P. Wang, T. Buckreis, S.K. Ahdi, A.K. Yong, S.J. Brandenberg, and J.P.Stewart (2020) Supplementing shear wave velocity profile database with microtremor-based H/V spectral ratios, 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, (Paper No. C003010).
  11. Buckreis, T.E., S.J. Brandenberg, and J.P. Stewart (2019) Regional semi-empirical site response model for Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta levees, ASDSO Dam Safety, Orlando, FL, September 8-12, 2019.

Major Reports

  1. Stewart, J.P., S. Mohammad, C.C. Nweke, R. Shams, T.E. Buckreis, M.D. Kohler, and Y. Bozorgnia (2023) Usability of ground motions recorded by community seismic network, Report GIRS-2023-08, B. John Garrick Risk Institute, Natural Hazards Risk and Resiliency Research Center, UCLA (Center Headquarters), 63 pages.
  2. Buckreis, T.E., B. Güryuva, A. İçen, O. Okçu, A. Altindal, M.F. Aydin, R. Pretell, A. Sandikkaya, Ö. Kale, A. Askan, S.J. Brandenberg, T. Kishida, S. Akkar, Ö. Cetin, Y. Bozorgnia, and J.P. Stewart (2023) "Chapter 3: Ground Motions," in February 6, 2023 Türkiye: Report on Geoscience and Engineering Impacts, Report GEER-082, GEER Association, 382 pages.


  1. Buckreis, T.E. (2022) Customization of path and site response components of global ground motion models for application in Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta region of California, Doctoral dissertation, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA.
  2. Buckreis, T.E. (2017) Numerical evaluation of laterally loaded rock-socketed deep foundations, Honors thesis, California State Univeristy, Long Beach, Long Beach, CA.

Curated Datasets

  1. Buckreis, T., P. Wang, J. Stewart, S. Brandenberg, and M. Driller (2024) Compilation of Shear-Wave Velocity Measurements in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Region of California, DesignSafe-CI.
  2. Mohammed, S., R. Shams, T. Buckreis, C. Nweke, M. Kohler, Y. Bozorgnia, and J. Stewart (2024) Data Files for Community Seismic Network (CSN) Ground Motion Study, DesignSafe-CI.
  3. Nweke, C., T. Buckreis, F. Ornelas, (2024) Microtremor Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratio (mHVSR) Data Collection at Brentwood, 2022, in Microtremor Measurements Performed Within Southern California. DesignSafe-CI.
  4. Nweke, C., T. Buckreis, F. Ornelas, (2024) Microtremor Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratio (mHVSR) Data Collection at Tarzana, 2022, in Microtremor Measurements Performed Within Southern California. DesignSafe-CI.
  5. Pretell, R., T. Buckreis, S. Brandenberg, and J. Stewart (2024) Spatial correlation models for ground motion intensity measures of the 2023 Türkiye-Syria Earthquakes, DesignSafe-CI.
  6. Ornelas, F., C. de la Torre, C. Nweke, T. Buckreis, P. Wang, S. Brandenberg, and J. Stewart (2023) Microtremor Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratio (mHVSR) Data Collection at California Downhole Vertical Array Sites, 2022, in Microtremor Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratio (mHVSR) Site Characterization of California Vertical Arrays. DesignSafe-CI.
  7. Ramos-Sepulveda, M., T. Buckreis, M. Li, G. Parker, S. Brandenberg, E. Rathje, and J. Stewart (2023) 2023 NGA-Compatible CENA Database for GMM Validation and Site Response Studies, DesignSafe-CI.
  8. Buckreis, T., B. Güryuva, A. İçen, O. Okcu, A. Altindal, M. Aydin, R. Pretell, A. Sandikkaya, O. Kale, A. Askan, S. Brandenberg, T. Kishida, S. Akkar, Y. Bozorgnia, and J. Stewart (2023) Ground Motion Data from the 2023 Türkiye-Syria Earthquake Sequence, DesignSafe-CI.
  9. Kottke, A., B. Kim, T. Buckreis, F. Dai, J. Xing, K. Jeon, Y. Hashash, and J. Stewart (2023) Shear wave velocity datafiles for sites in central and eastern North America as compiled by the Geotechnical Working Group as part of the NGA-East project, DesignSafe-CI.
  10. Buckreis, T., J. Stewart, S. Brandenberg, P. Wang, and C. Nweke (2022) Data Files for California Subregional Path Effect Study, DesignSafe-CI.
  11. Nweke, C., J. Stewart, P. Wang, S. Brandenberg, and T. Buckreis (2022) Data Files for Ground Motion Studies Pertaining to Southern California Basins and Other Geomorphic Provinces, DesignSafe-CI.
  12. Rathje, E., A. Matthews, S. Brandenberg, T. Buckreis, and K. Hudson (2021) Interpolating Ground Motion Intensity at Sites in the Next Generation Liquefaction Database, DesignSafe-CI.
  13. Lyda, A., J. Yeung, T. Buckreis, O. Issa, S. Brandenberg, and Z. Yi (2021) UW RAPID UAV Imaging, in Ridgecrest, CA earthquake sequence, July 4 and 5, 2019, DesignSafe-CI.
  14. Buckreis, T., A. Winders, P. Wang, S. Brandenberg, and J. Stewart (2021) Microtremor Data Collected in Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Region of California, DesignSafe-CI.
  15. Buenker, J., S. Brandenberg, M. Eslami, D. Abundis, T. Buckreis, and J. Stewart (2020) Centrifuge Test on Bentonite Clay - Test UCLA JZB01, in Soil-Foundation-Structure Interaction Effects on the Cyclic Failure Potential of Silts and Clays, DesignSafe-CI.


  1. Buckreis, T.E. (2024) tristanbuckreis/ccldpy: ccldpy, Zenodo.